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    Aug '20
    Apex co-founder and seabird expert, Peter Harrison.

    Peter Harrison Albatross Talk on September 5

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    in Of Interest

    Peter Harrison to be Keynote Speaker at African Bird Fair

    Apex is proud to have as one of our founders the world’s ranking seabird expert, Peter Harrison, who has been recognized by the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, the Linnaean Society, and Queen Elizabeth II. And if they gave awards for telling the biggest stories, he would win those too.

    Peter has given unforgettable lectures all over the world on the subject he is most passionate about: seabirds and their conservation, most notably the albatrosses. But one thing he has never done is give an online webinar.

    That is about to change. Peter has been chosen to be the keynote speaker for this year’s African Bird Fair. Like so much else these days, the Fair has gone virtual—and so will Peter! And you can be there with him, hear his performance, and ask him your questions.

    Registration Now Open for the September 5 Albatross Talk

    Peter will present his albatross talk on Saturday, September 5, at 1700 Cape Town time, which would be 0800 Pacific Time. To sign up for this once-ever opportunity, click to the BirdLife South Africa’s “African Bird Fair” website, where you can register and pay a nominal fee (you can also increase your donation, and proceeds will go to their Albatross Task Force). Be sure to select the option that includes the conservation lecture admission.

    Learn More about the Albatross Task Force

    The work of the Albatross Task Force is to reduce seabird deaths due to interactions with fishing gear. Mitigating and ultimately preventing this accidental bycatch is the goal. In South Africa, the ATF has had huge success in the implementation of mitigation measures and policy changes. Albatross deaths are down by 99% in local trawl fishery! This success would however be but a drop in the sea were it not for the work of other similar teams in Namibia, South America and Europe which together champion for the protection of the millions of seabirds that roam our oceans.

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