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    May '20

    How to Make Malva Pudding

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    in Of Interest

    A couple of weeks ago, Richard Visser and his wife Sam (with the “help” of their young son Blake) offered us their recipe for making a special regional dinner called “bobotie”. So, what comes after dinner? Hmm, let me see…wait, I know! Dessert! So, this week they bring you their technique for creating a confection called malva pudding. We don’t know about you, but as soon as this is over, we’re making plans to be at their house for dinner some night.

    You can download this traditional South African Malva Pudding recipe here

3 Comments on How to Make Malva Pudding

    margi wiest says:


    So fun to watch your family, Blake is adorable!
    The Malva Pudding looks delicious! Thank you for sharing. Hope to see you again soon.

    Melissa Dill says:

    Looks delicious, I will try it. Thanks for sharing with us!!!

    Patti Malloy says:

    It looks so very delicious. You’ll laugh when I say this but I have sugar in my pantry from the first year Tim and I were married in 1969!! Guess you figured out that I don’t bake. But I do love to eat all of those wonderful desserts!! Have fun with the family.

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