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    Jun '20

    Diogo and the Anteater

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    in Of Interest

    A Giant Anteater is one of the strangest-looking creatures on earth, resembling a child’s drawing come to life. Most visitors to the Brazilian Pantanal count themselves fortunate even to get a glimpse of one. Diogo Lucatelli, who shares their habitat, has seen many. But even he was astonished recently when he found one doing…something unheard-of. And then he took out his phone and started making a video for us.

9 Comments on Diogo and the Anteater

    Lyda Hill says:

    Super. I’d never seen a giant anteater. The bathing sequence was something.

    Alison Steadman says:

    I started to itch while watching this video. I wonder if others do the same thing!

    Barbie Gibson says:

    That was just awesome! Makes me want to go on a safari. The bathing scene was just mind-boggling! Well done Diogo!

    Donna Hanna says:

    Fascinating. I need a shower.

    Jamie Douglass says:

    Fabulous footage. Thanks so much for sharing! Makes me want to travel.

    Gary Krosin says:

    Outstanding video, my friend Diogo.
    A perspective most of us will likely never see!
    I especially liked the “silent” subtitles at the moment of…silence!

    Susan Childs says:

    Hi Diogo! I am disappointed that when you and Jonathan found/showed us this wild looking creature that you didn’t arrange for this spa session! Hope you are well.

    Robert Dresdale says:

    Wonderful video. Thanks for sharing

    Patti Malloy says:

    Wow!!! Totally awesome. What a marvelous encounter you had. Loved this. Thanks Diogo.

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